American River Watershed - Various locations

The site is located in Sacramento County along both banks of the American River. The project involved the construction of several cutoff walls under the embankments, with a minimum thickness of 3ft [0.9m] and an overall length of about 820yd [750m], in order to integrate the existing waterproofing works to reduce filtration phenomena.

The work is located in Sacramento County along both banks of the American River. The project involved the construction of several cutoff walls under the embankments, with a minimum thickness of 3ft [0.9m] and an overall length of about 820yd [750m], in order to integrate the existing waterproofing works to reduce filtration phenomena.

The works were carried out in several sites in separated time lapses: R10 (Watt Avenue); L9 e L9A (Fairbairn Water Treatment Plant); R3A (Capital City Freeway Bridge - right bank); L10 (Howe Avenue Bridge - left bank); R7 (H Street Bridge - right bank); L7 (H Street Bridge - left bank).

All Jet Grouting treatments were installed using a triple-fluid technology (air, water and grout), using a bottom-up installation procedure.
Columns (also sub-vertical) with a diameter of 8ft [2.4m]. Complete works has required approximately 500 PS3 Jet Grouting columns with perforations up to a depth of 100ft [30m] and also in limited headroom conditions.
Continuous monitoring of Jet Grouting parameters using PRS3 real time data collection system and vertical measurement at each grout column were provided as well as extensive verification and field test prior to the production work on the levees.

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